Periodontal Treatment

The different stages of gum infection and recommended care

Your smile is intended to last a lifetime, but without proper care, it can become significantly damaged with tooth infections and decay. The team of Artistry in Smiles in Los Banos, California, is here to educate you on conditions that can impact your smile’s health and wellness, including the various stages of periodontal disease.

What are the different stages of periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, can wreak havoc on your healthy smile. Preventing it is vital, but if it does develop, early intervention is critical to ensure the teeth, gums, and bones are protected from damage.

Periodontal disease has several different stages at which it can be diagnosed, which also comes with gingivitis and periodontitis symptoms that may be easy to spot. The stages of gum infection include:

  • Gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease and involves red, swollen gums that may bleed easily when flossing or brushing. At this point, both bone and tissue destruction has not yet begun. With proper dental hygiene habits and regular recall visits to a dentist or hygienist, it can be reversed before it progresses further
  • Early Periodontitis. If ignored, gingivitis can progress to early periodontitis, which causes mild inflammation in the tissue surrounding the teeth and some minor bone loss. It typically affects only one to three teeth at this point and can still be reversed with scaling, root planing, antibiotics as well as improved oral hygiene habits
  • Moderate Periodontitis. In moderate periodontitis, the infection progresses and begins to cause more extensive damage to both gum tissue and bone structure. This is usually when deeper pockets of infected tissue form between teeth, and further bone loss begins to occur
  • Advanced Periodontitis. Advanced periodontitis is best described as the most severe stage of periodontal disease and involves widespread destruction of the gums, jawbone, and even surrounding facial structures. The deep pockets that have formed will be filled with bacteria-filled plaque, which can lead to rapid deterioration if not cared for promptly. Without professional intervention, it can result in significant tooth loss or complete tooth extraction
Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients: (209) 812-0041 | Existing Patients: (209) 826-8100
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Knowledge is power: learn how to protect your smile from gum infection and decay today!

If you want to learn about periodontal disease and how to protect your smile, call (209) 812-0041 to book an appointment to speak to our dental team about preventative dentistry.

Our office serves patients in and around Los Banos, CA, including Santa Nella, Gustine, Dos Palos, Hilmar, and Newman, CA, and is accepting new patients.

Dr. Benjamin Seaton

Published by
Dr. Benjamin Seaton

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